Friday, January 28, 2011

over and over



Lost in Translation

Girl, Interrupted

Whale and Squid

These are movies I wanna watch it again.Actually there are more but I'm too lazy to find the right images of the movies so that's it.
In 2 days I have TOEIC exam which makes me a bit nervous because I haven't studied anything yet.Plus I feel like watching movies more than studying it...Oh no.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Life Aquatic

Wes Anderson is incredible.

Baby you're a rich man

"You're going to go through life thinking girls don't like you because you're a nerd. I want you to know from the bottom of my heart that that won't be true. It will be because you're an asshole."
The best line from "The Socail Network".

Yeah, I've seen it the other day which was pretty good.I thought Jessee Eisenberg was perfect for the role and I'm so happy he had such a big role in this one.He's one of my favorite actors.

ちなみにDavid Fincherって「パニックルーム」の監督だったんだね!映画の雰囲気みたいなのが似てたから納得。

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Having fun

I couldn't stop playing with snow today...Yeah, I felt like being such a little kid but I loved the feeling when I was walking around the park coverd by beautiful snow.It was like a magic.

Good memories

So many great things happening around me.I feel so happy about it expect the fact I have to finish my homework.Haha.

Let it snow

Yes!! It's finally snowing! I love it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

I feel like I'm such a freak

I've been watching movies a lot lately and now my eyes are getting tired because of it! I know I gotta stop it but it's just one of my bad habits...Once I start watching movies or dramas, I keep watching them like forever.They're like heroine for me.Hahaha.

最近映画とかドラマばっかり見てる気がする。っていうのも地デジのせいでテレビ変えたからMTVやFoxとかいろんな番組が見れるようになって、時間があればついTVのスイッチオンにしちゃうのよ。まぁたまにはこういうのも良いけどずっと家の中にいるだけじゃなくて、外で楽しい事とかしたいなって思うんだよね。だからTV freakにならないように気をつけなきゃ。とはいっても今私は完全にgleekになってるわけだけど。そう!実は今日からGleeのDVDレンタル開始!やったー。飛行機の中で1~2話しか見た事なかったからそれ以来ずっと見たいなと思ってきたのです。また小さな楽しみが増えて嬉しい。

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

ついに2011年!いや~、全然実感がないわ。日付書いたりする時に間違えて2010年と書いちゃいそうで恐いね。はは。普通年明けたらTVとか見るんだろうけど、興味ある番組があんま無いから映画を見たい気分なんだけど…"Say Anything"でも見ようかしら。さっきはゴダールの「女は女である」見てたんだけどね。ユーモアたっぷりで笑えるところ満載だった!


It's 2010 at last! I feel like it's still 2010.Haha.I think most people spend time watching TV at the beginning of the new year but there are no interesting TV programs here so I'd rather watch a movie.Maybe I should watch "Say Anything" this time.Well I was just watching "A woman Is a Woman" though.
Btw I'm thinking of getting a tattoo when I go to Ohio in Feburary! But I wonder what kind of tattoo I should get...Actually I want a small one behind my ear or the back of my neck.I know it's gonna hurt but I gotta get over it.